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 Entertainment Archive 2019

Stephen Colbert and Julianne Moore talked about how they love to embarrass their children
by Nathan'ette Burdine: March 5, 2019

Stephen Colbert and Julianne Moore took time out to chit chat about what parents love to do; which is to embarrass their children.

Moore prefers the ol’ school way of embarrassing her children. She likes to dance in the grocery stores aisle like the potato chip aisle, the candy aisle, or just any aisle were children like to go.

    Julianne Moore-I just dance in front of my kids to embarrass
    them. That’s the kind of dancer I am. The dancing in the grocery
    store dancer because that’s really embarrassing.

    Stephen Colbert-Do you dance in front of your children in the
    grocery store?

    Julianne Moore-Well you know, just like (dancing) and
    they will go  ‘Mom, stop it! Stop it! Mom, stop it!’

    Stephen Colbert-Do you enjoy embarrassing your children?

    Julianne Moore-Yeah, of course.

    Stephen Colbert-I do too.

Colbert is a little more creative with the ways in which he embarrasses his little ones who are now big ones. He says he enjoys playing “like I’m a squirrel walking across the street. When I cross the street, the squirrels are pooping while I cross the street.”

Colbert and Moore are entertainers. And as entertainers, they must do what they can to keep up their skills.

    Stephen Colbert-You have to do embarrassing things in public so
    that you could do anything on camera or on stage.

    Julianne Moore-That’s what I say to them. I’m just rehearsing for
    my life on stage.

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